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Couples Counselling

Time for your relationship...


Most relationships go through periods of difficulty at some point.  If differences are left unresolved, they can build up and cause distance between you and your partner. 


When we experience conflict with those we care about, taking time, through counselling, to look at issues together can help to reconcile us and actually promote a stronger, healthier and more connected relationship.

I focus on helping you to enhance your communication skills and helping you gain a better understanding of each other and how you both 'tick'.  I can help you to understand how and why you relate as you do, and how you can develop and improve the difficult areas of your relationship.


We also focus on understanding each others characters and what makes each of you who you are.  This helps look at how to meet each others needs emotionally, physically and relationally. 


As we work together, I use the tools and techniques that I think will help you both the most, in your unique situation. 

What you can expect.

  • An initial, free, 25 minute half session

You can arrange a free 25 minute half session for you both to meet me and explore if counselling could be helpful for you.  It's a chance to talk about what you would like to achieve from Couples Counselling and I can explain what I can offer to help you.


If you would like to extend this first session to a full 50 minute session, this costs £30, (half the normal rate).


  • Regular sessions after that

If counselling is right for you, we arrange regular sessions at intervals that suit you.  This can be either weekly, fortnightly or monthly.

  • Cost

Couples Counselling costs £60 per session.

  • A professional, friendly, confidential service

I offer a professional yet friendly service, where I want to help you feel comfortable and heard.  Counselling is confidential, apart from rare occasions, which I will discuss with you when we meet.  Many couples have been helped by counselling and you can see some of their thoughts here

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